انا فاكرة في أول مرة شفت فيها اسم الألبوم ده كنت قاعدة بعاني و انا بحاول اكتشف هو بيتنطق ازاي لحد ما فهمت انه مفروض اختصار لسؤال "Oh! Are you late, too?" الي هو "ايه ده! هو انت كمان متأخر؟" حاجة بنسمعها كتير كطلبة من زمايلنا او اهالينا 😂🤦♀️
بس بصراحة الألبوم ده عجبني اوي بسبب انه كان فعلا بيتكلم عن مشاكل بيواجها الطلاب في اغاني زي "N.O." او من الألبوم الي قبله ٢ كول ٤ سكول اغنية "No More Dream" بسبب توقعات الاهالي و المجتمع نفسه. لازم كله يطلع دكاترة و مهندسين، ازاي يعني عايز تطلع فنان؟ ما ده الي انا بحبه! او الي يستغرب و يقول يعني ايه مش بتحلم بحاجة؟ اه عادي معنديش حلم لسه، انا مش عارف انا عايز اعمل ايه. ده كله عادي، الحياة مش سباق، كل واحد فينا بيوصل لهدفه بالسرعة الي تناسبه. انه BTS بقى كانوا فاهمين كل الناس دي، أصبح ده سبب واحد من اسباب كتير في نجاحهم في بداية حياتهم لان وقتها كان قليل اوي الكلام في المواضيع دي و قليلة كانت الفرصة انك تلاقي حد حاسس بيك و فاهمك!
هل في اغنية معينة لما بتسمعها بتحس انها بتمثلك في حياتك و يا ترى اسمها ايه؟ مش لازم حاجة بس من الKpop!
I remember when I first saw the name of this album, I was having a hard time trying to figure out how to read it until realized it's supposed to be read as "Oh! Are you late, too?" which is something I heard often from my classmates and parents in regards to studies 😂🤦♀️
I did really enjoy this album's songs since this was bangtan's school era and songs like "N.O." or "No More Dream" from the previous album 2 Cool 4 Skool helped ease the struggle of studying and parents' or society's expectations that many students around the world could relate to. Back then, students weren't represented much and the fact that BTS came and could understand how we students felt and even voiced their opinions on the matter that coincided with the thoughts of students too, THAT was one of the many factors that made BTS very successful at the beginning of their career even as rookies!
What is the name of a song that made you feel like you were understood and represented? It doesn't have to be a Kpop song!

The Song That Made me cry reading its lyrics was “Stigma” & “Disease” For bts
I don’t know about others but disease just made me feel like I am not the only one who over stresses about stuff, about growing up, about facing people and not being able to sleep and they are also thinking it is a disease…
The part when they said that no night lasts forever and everything passes and we just have to deal with it just made me… Idk what to say really
“I will never fade away” This part Gave me confidence ❤️
شكرا عالمعلومه بجد مكنتش عارفههه😭😂💔